General Questions
What is the cost of hiring Santorini Photographers?
This depends on the amount of time you’d like to book your Santorini photographers, Booking Photography packages offers better deals though, You can have a look at our home page or at Santorini Photography Packages.
Can we see some of your Santorini Photographers previous work?
Yes of course, This is available on both our Instagram Page & on our Portfolio Page
How will we get our pictures afterwards?
You will get your pictures via WeTransfer or a similar other service and if you are still on the island by the time we finish editing them, We’ll bring them to you in a USB.
How many Santorini Photographers will be at our wedding?
This depends on the package that you’ll book with us and the requirements that you’ll have, Some weddings such as the elopement events with the couple only need one photographers, Some others with large number of guests will need more than two most of the time.
Do you also offer Video Packages for weddings?
Yes, We are a team of photographers with equipment and crew for every need. Photographers & Videographers are available for hiring!
Photography Location Questions
How Many Locations will we cover?
On the minimum package which is 1 hour, We’ll cover Oia which is after all the most popular locations for photographers in Santorini. The more hours of booking, The more locations we’ll visit.
Do we have to have a car for the different locations?
No, Transportation is included in our packages that offer photoshootings are different locations.
Which are the best locations on the island?
Everywhere on Santorini is beautiful and different, But if we say the most popular ones, That would be Oia, The Black Sand Beach, Firostefani and Imerovigli. For more Location information you can visit our Best Locations Page.
Can we book our Santorini Photographers for both the wedding ceremony & the Photo Tour?
Yes of course, This happens all the time! After your wedding ceremony here in Santorini, We can continue our photo shoot for about an hour at a different place, This can give time to the guests to arrive to at the reception and have their welcome drinks, Before you make the big entrance! More about Santorini Wedding Photography here!
Can we go to the Volcano for pictures?
The Volcano is a different island itself, Some people think it’s on the island of Santorini, But in fact it’s right across and we can take pictures with the Volcano as the background!
Pricing Questions
Is the price different if our friends come along?
The price is the same, The only difference will be on the vehicle for the transportation, If we are more than the standard vehicle we use can fit, Then we’d have to rent another one.
Do you charge hourly?
Yes, Our Santorini Photographers are up for hiring by an hourly rate, But if you look at our Packages, You will find some deals which are more economic!
Do you offer any discounts, In under what circumstances?
We do offer discounts in some cases, For example for early year bookings we offer up to 20% Discounts and if you’d like to book for many hours we can give you discounts there as well!
What is your Payment policy?
In order to book our Santorini Photographers, We require a small deposit in order to book the date and the balance can be paid after your photo shoot.
What is the difference between a photo tour & a wedding photo shoot?
The difference in pricing is due to the more equipment needed for a wedding photography and the more personnel most of the time, We can always talk about the details and see what you will require, This way we can make a different package for you!
Other Questions
What is the best time for our photo tour?
The best times for your Santorini photo tour is early in the morning or late in the afternoon, Due to lighting. But sunset photo shoots are always stunning, Even though we have to avoid the crowded areas, They are worth it!
We arrive to Santorini on a cruise ship, Can we book you?
Yes of course! The best way to remember your Vacation to Santorini is by hiring our Santorini Photographers! The more hours you stay the more places we can visit.
Are your Santorini Photographers professionals?
Yes of course, We’ve all been working together for a while now and we all have years of experience. All of our Santorini Photographers are very experienced and passionate for the work they do! You can see more regarding this subject at About Santorini Photographer.
How close to our arrival should we book?
It all depends on our availability, We always suggest that if you find availability and would like to book, Book the soonest. Do not wait until minute because we might not be available then.
Can we extend the hours we booked during the photo shoot?
It will be more than a pleasure to have you as long as you like! First we need to be available afterwards because sometimes we book more than one photo shoot the same day.